Stop-and-search report leads Scottish police to change policy

people, right place and right time’ thereby enhancing accountability and public confidence, two key aims of the pilot.”

The Fife Pilot evaluation ran from November 2014 to February 2015. It aimed to improve levels of approval amongst the public by better informing them of the process, the reasons why searches are being carried out, and the rights of the individual. Researchers analyzed police data on their use of stop and search in two areas of Fife, and compared that to data from another division of Police Scotland. They also conducted 11 observations of stop and search and interviewed 42 police officers and 13 members of the public.

Elements introduced as part of the pilot included sending letters to the parents of children who have been stopped to make them aware of the event, providing enhanced information leaflets to every person stopped, and increasing opportunities for the public to provide feedback after a search.

The systematic recording of all stop searches, compliance recording checks, engagement with external stakeholders, provision of advice slips and aide memoires, and enhanced staff training were held up as successes in the report, which also found:

  • More stop and search, even with good practice identified in the pilot, will not stop crime or anti-social behavior on its own.
  • While police respondents perceived stop and search to be effective in terms of crime prevention the current evidence base does not support this.
  • Stop and search should be used as a last resort in contact with the public, especially with young people and vulnerable groups.
  • The stop and search database should flag up whether the same individuals are being stopped and searched on multiple occasions and alternative interventions used in these instances.
  • Local knowledge is essential for the success of stop and search.
  • Increased and improved face-to-face training on stop and search should be provided for officers.

Dr. Aston said, “Stop and search is a contentious area of police practice, where human rights must be balanced with safety concerns, yet until doctoral research by Dr. Kath Murray in 2014 the practice had received very little attention in Scotland.

“We are delighted that all of our recommendations from the Fife Pilot have been actioned by Police Scotland and our research has resulted in significant changes to the policy and practice of stop and search. We look forward to developing this work further through a European network on Police Stops.”

The SIPR evaluation report has supported Police Scotland in the delivery of improvements in the use of stop and search including enhancements to the stop and search database, improved recording practices and the public reporting of management information, alongside both face to face and online training of officers.

Assistant Chief Constable Higgins of Police Scotland added, “Police Scotland understand the value of external scrutiny and review. Our work with academia and addressing all the SIPR recommendations is evidence of the willingness of our organization to learn and implement significant changes to both policy and practice based on that learning.

“We recognize that stopping and searching people is a significant intrusion into their personal liberty and privacy and, as such, all stop and search activity must be appropriate in line with the Code of Practice for Stop and Search. We have made real progress improving the use of stop and search and it is important we continue to build on that good work with internal and external review providing proportionate governance and assurance.”