ExtremismAnti-Semitism on the rise around the world

Published 3 May 2019

The authors of a new report on anti-Semitism around the world say that the most disturbing finding identified in 2018 is the sense of insecurity prevalent among Jews and confirmed by surveys. Jews do not feel an integral part of society anymore and sometimes they even sense a state of emergency. Anti-Semitism is mainstreaming, even normalized as a constant presence, in the public as well as in the private sphere. A rise of 13 percent in the number of major violent anti-Semitic incidents was registered; thirteen Jews were murdered.

The year 2018 and the beginning of 2019 witnessed an increase in almost all forms of anti-Semitic manifestations, in the public space as well as in the private one. The report says that a sense of facing a state of emergency situation is increasing among Jews in some countries; physical insecurity and questioning their place in society and in the parties that were their political home are more prevalent. The calls “Jews to the gas” and “Death to the Zionists” are openly and publicly voiced. Thirteen Jews were murdered during 2018, the largest number compared to previous years.

TAU says that the number of the major violent cases monitored by the Kantor Center has increased by 13 percent, from 342 to 387. The countries with the highest number of cases are the United States (over 100 cases); the United Kingdom (68); France and Germany (35 each); Canada (20); Belgium (19); the Netherlands (15); and Argentina (11). It should be noted that the numbers of reported cases in Eastern Europe have been much lower in comparison to Western Europe, going down from twelve cases in the Ukraine in 2018 to a few in each of the other countries.

The main modus operandi remain cases of vandalism (216, 56 percent); threats (89, 23 percent); and weaponless means (55, 14 percent).These numbers show that while the use of weapon and arson is in lower numbers, most of the attacks are against people. Indeed, at least 138 people were attacked (36 percent) and private property was damaged (104 cases, 27 percent). The reason is that persons and their property are less protected than synagogues (47 cases, 12 percent) and community centers (22, 6 percent). Cemeteries and monuments are still a traditional target (76 cases, 19 percent).

Numbers pinpointed by the Jewish communities and governmental and non-governmental agencies are monitored according to different criteria that vary from one country to another. They most often include all types of cases, from the major violent ones, to harassment, insults, minor threats, verbal assaults, Holocaust denial and social media shaming. It should be noted that insults and harassment hurt more than the actual violence, for they create the antisemitic atmosphere.

A few examples: In Italy 197 cases of all types were registered, a 60 percent increase; in South Africa – 62 incidents, a rise of 25 percent; in the United Kingdom – 1,652 documented incidents, a rise of 16 percent; in France - 541 incidents from 311 in 2017, a 74 percent rise; in Australia – 366 cases, a rise of 59 percent. A 22 percent rise was recorded in New York as well, and 14 percent in Berlin. In the United States the overall number declined from1986 to 1879, yet the number of assaults almost tripled, from 21 to 59.

The report notes that anti-Semitism is no longer only a part of the activities of the triangle, made of the far right, the extreme left and radical Islam. It has been mainstreamed, and has become a constant presence of reality. A Report of the French Ministry of the Interior and the Jewish community depicts anti-Semitism in France during 2018 as a daily occurrence. The anti-Zionist discourse has mainstreamed as well and the use of anti-Semitic motifs has increased, with no specific trigger, and despite the fact that no military confrontation took place between Israel and its neighbors since 2014.

A host of wide-scope surveys confirm the Jews’ perceptions and fears regarding antisemitism: The FRA (Fundamental Rights Agency) interviewed 16,500 Jews in 12 countries; CNN conducted 7,000 interviews among the general population; and the Eurobarometer interviewed 23,640 people in 28 countries. All reached the same conclusion. 85 percent of the FRA interviewees regard antisemitism as the most severe problem, yet do not report on some 75 percent to 80 percent of the cases they faced. CNN found that 40 percent see Jews as threatened by racist violence, and 89 percent of those interviewed by the Eurobarometer believe antisemitism has recently increased. A 16 percent rise in private space incidents was registered in the United States.

Still, a number of encouraging achievements have been reached during 2018. TAU notes that anti-Semitism has been recognized by governments, multi-national organizations and leaders as a serious problem, to be seriously taken care of: conferences and seminars to discuss the problem had been held and publicized; and publications and educational material have been prepared for further education and discussion. The Working Definition of Anti-Semitism has become a yard-stick, a test of values and norms, and is increasingly adopted by more states. A catalogue of means to combat antisemitism was presented to the European Union, that declared its commitment to develop.

— Read more in Anti-Semitism Worldwide - 2018 -General Analysis (Kantor Center, Tel Aviv University, 2019)