Our picksISIS Will Benefit from U.S. Withdrawal | Risky Old Code | Weak Border Privacy Protection, and more

Published 8 October 2019

·  Welcome to Trump’s Impeachment Foreign Policy

·  Overwhelming Confirmation of Whistleblower Complaint: An Annotation

·  Austin Considers Changing Code Following New Flood Risk Data

·  Trump’s Gift to ISIS

·  Syrian Decision Rekindles Fear of ISIS Prison Breaks

·  ISIS Will Benefit from U.S. Withdrawal, Says Retired 3-Star Who Helped Train Syrian Rebels

·  A Race to the Bottom of Privacy Protection: The U.S.-U.K. Deal Would Trample Cross Border Privacy Safeguards

·  Don’t Believe Your Eyes (or Ears): The Weaponization of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Deepfakes

·  The U.S. Gives Military Aid to Corrupt Countries All the Time

·  Decades-Old Code Is Putting Millions of Critical Devices at Risk

Welcome to Trump’s Impeachment Foreign Policy (Stephen M. Walt, Foreign Policy)
His administration’s decisions will be erratic, ill-considered, and ineffective. In other words, business as usual.

Overwhelming Confirmation of Whistleblower Complaint: An Annotation (Ryan Goodman, John T. Nelson, Just Security)
As the following analysis clearly demonstrates, an overwhelming percentage of the whistleblower’s complaint in Ukrainegate has been confirmed by U.S. government documents, witness statements, and independent investigative reports. We highlight all the key portions of the complaint that have been confirmed or corroborated, and we include links to the sources confirming or corroborating the information. The most significant sources include the official rough transcript of the July 25 call between President Trump and President Zelenskyy, text messages between three U.S. diplomats and Ukrainian officials, the written testimony of the then-U.S. special envoy to Ukraine Paul Volker, and, finally, reliable news reports. It is also worth noting that the Inspector General for the Intelligence Community concluded the whistleblower’s report appeared credible after conducting a review including interviews with witnesses.
Text in blue font in the whistleblower’s complaint designates statements that have been confirmed or corroborated. Text in black font should not be considered untrue or refuted.

Austin Considers Changing Code Following New Flood Risk Data (Mary Huber, Austin American-Statesman)
The data, known as Atlas 14, revealed that parts of Austin are seeing as much as three inches more rain in major storm events than the NOAA had calculated with old rainfall data back in 1961.

Trump’s Gift to ISIS (Mike Giglio, The Atlantic)
America had the chance to help its local partners ensure ISIS’s lasting defeat. Instead it’s abandoning them.

Syrian Decision Rekindles Fear of ISIS Prison Breaks (Katie Bo Williams, Defense One)
Pentagon and State Department officials have raised alarms for months about the makeshift prisons.

ISIS Will Benefit from U.S. Withdrawal, Says Retired 3-Star Who Helped Train Syrian Rebels (Patrick Tucker, Defense One)
Michael Nagata says the move will embolden ISIS, Russia, and Iran — and could end the extraction of intelligence from thousands of ISIS fighters held by Syrian rebels.