Perspective: ExtremismIt’s Not Only Jeremy Corbyn’s Mob that Welcomes Anti-Semites. It’s the Whole Bourgeois Left

Published 25 November 2019

“On a scale of one to 10, how much would it surprise you that the Labour Party’s new poster boy, the young activist featured prominently in its election campaign material, is a semi-literate anti-Semite?” Rod Liddle asks in The Times. “I think, if you’ve been watching carefully these past few years, the score is probably around the two to three area.”

“On a scale of one to 10, how much would it surprise you that the Labour Party’s new poster boy, the young activist featured prominently in its election campaign material, is a semi-literate anti-Semite?” Rod Liddle asks in The Times. “I think, if you’ve been watching carefully these past few years, the score is probably around the two to three area.”

He adds:

Kierin Offlands likes to use the term “Zio Nazis,” compares Israel to Nazi Germany and referred to Israeli soldiers as “stormtroopers.”

He wrote: “I hate Zionism. I oppose the State of Israel. It is one of the worst thing’s ever created. To some extensiveness, Zionism is Nazism.”

Liddle writes:

In 2018 there were 1,652 anti-Semitic incidents logged by the Community Security Trust, a charity that protects British Jews from threats. About one quarter were associated with the far right — yes, Jews still have to worry about the fascists. This suggests the vast majority came from the far left. The bien pensant left has soaked up all the old anti-Jewish clichés and now trots (geddit) them out with a lack of shame that would do credit to Julius Streicher’s Nazi propaganda sheet, Der Stürmer. And they have been soaked up to justify, to buttress, their imbecilic conviction that in each and every situation there is an oppressor and an oppressed: the world seen in black and white, sometimes literally.

Palestinians are oppressed. As a consequence, no crimes can be laid at their door. They are unequivocally in the right. Jews are the oppressors, they are unequivocally in the wrong.

It is time we “called out”, to use the fashionable if sententious phrase, the middle-class left’s rancid hierarchy of victimhoods, its fascistic adherence to the concept of “protected characteristics”, which is used to administer a sour bigotry far more impinging than the one it was designed to replace.