MortalityWhat the Coronavirus Figures Really Show: Males Are Dying at Twice the Rate, COVID-19 Is Third Most Common Cause of Death, England's Death Rate Per Capita is 50% Higher Than Wales and 10% of Victims Have No Underlying Conditions

Published 17 April 2020

The Daily Mail reports that: Death rates are twice as high in men compared to women, with 97.5 deaths among every 100,000 men against 46.5 for women; England’s death rate is 50 per cent higher than Wales’, with 68.5 deaths for every 100,000 people - compared to 44.5 in Wales; coronavirus was the third most common cause of death during March, behind only dementia (6,401) and heart disease (4,042); heart disease was the most common pre-existing condition among the victims, with 14 percent of victims having the condition; two deaths from COVID-19 were registered before March 5 - the date officials first announced a woman in her 70s had died in Berkshire; true death toll in Britain could be 77 per cent higher than the official count given by the Department of Health each day; the death rate in March was lower than the five-year average - despite the last week of March being the deadliest since 2005.