ExtremismProminent Voices Demonize Israel Regarding the Conflict

Published 24 May 2021

In response to the recent conflict in Israel and Gaza, prominent voices, including among NGOs and activists, have engaged in problematic rhetoric about Israel. Such harsh criticism, especially when it goes beyond criticizing Israel’s policies to a denunciation of the entire entity of Israel and its guiding ideology of Zionism, may not always cross the line into antisemitism, but it enables an environment in which hateful actions against Jews and supporters of Israel are accepted more freely, and in which anti-Jewish tropes may be normalized. We are already seeing too many examples of Jews and Jewish institutions being targeted in the guise of opposition to Israel and its policies.

In response to the recent conflict in Israel and Gaza, as well as the tensions in Jerusalem that led up to the violence, there have been some prominent voices, including among NGOs and activists, who have engaged in problematic rhetoric about Israel.

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has always engendered strong passions and differences of opinion.  In a crisis, such differences are of course heightened.  And while exchanges of views - even harsh disagreements - are par for the course in civil debate,  rhetoric on Israel that goes beyond harsh criticism of its actions and policies to instead blame the entire entity of Israel and its guiding ideology of Zionism is not only biased but could have deeply dangerous and long-lasting repercussions.

While such expressions may not always cross the line into antisemitism, depending on the specifics, they enable an environment whereby hateful actions against Jews and supporters of Israel are accepted more freely, and where anti-Jewish tropes may be normalized. We are already seeing too many examples of Jews and Jewish institutions being targeted in the guise of opposition to Israel.

Additionally, as the international community works to promote a ceasefire, and ultimately to create conditions whereby Israeli-Palestinian negotiations can resume, such problematic statements demonizing or delegitimizing the State of Israel, Zionism and Zionists may poison attitudes against the acceptance of a Jewish state alongside a Palestinian one.  

The following are some recent examples of rhetoric ADL has identified as crossing a line from legitimate criticism of Israel into delegitimization and demonization of the Jewish State or Zionism:

Demonizing Zionism
Like all other national self-determination movements, Zionism is the belief that Jews deserve a right to self-determination in the land where they have their historic roots. It does not preclude support for Palestinian statehood, Muslim-Jewish coexistence, or equal citizenship rights.  Many Jews of all political streams consider themselves to be Zionists and view a connection to Israel to be part of their Jewish identity.

However, one common form of objectionable rhetoric in response to the recent violence has been statements from critics of Israel who go so far as to demonize Zionism or its adherents, painting Israel or the Jewish people’s self-determination movement as uniquely and inherently evil.