Former CIA officials launch private intelligence agency

Published 2 March 2007

J. Cofer Black and Robert Richer strike out on their own with Total Intelligence Solutions; company intends to bring spycraft into the corporate suite

We do not know if this is a uniquely American phenomenon, but we find it extremely interesting that a market exists in this country for private intelligence agencies. The latest in the sector is Arlington, Virginia-based Total Intelligence Solutions (TIS), the brainchild of former CIA officials J. Cofer Black and Robert Richer — both of whom, we note, have longstanding connections to North Carolina-based Blackwater USA. According to the company, which will focus its attention of Fortune 500 companies and has approximately 100 young and eager employees, TIS will take “the skills honed by CIA operatives into the boardroom.” Among the services to be offered include surveillance, cybersecurity, and business intelligence analysis. Of course, all material used will come from the public domain. After all, Richer notes, 85 percent of the CIA’s intelligence is obtained in that fashion.

-read more in Paul Richfield’s C4ISR Journal report