TrendMobile torrents are a cell phone security nightmare

Published 30 August 2007

Mobile torrents represent incredible access to mobile applications and other content, but for mobile security providers mobile torrents will be a security nightmare; for mobile security providers mobile torrents will be a security nightmare

You make money by investing early. Yes, the risk is higher, but the potential rewards are higher, too, if the technology you invest in takes off. Here is an informal advice: Invest in solutions for securing mobile communication. Only a few years ago torrents were an unheard of technology - but today they have practically reinvented the way we file share. MyMobiSafe’s Eric Everson writes, for cell phone owner’s mobile torrents represent incredible access to mobile applications and other content, but for mobile security providers mobile torrents will be a security nightmare. He argues that the future of mobile security will be fought at the customer handset level: Generally speaking, wireless service providers have invested millions to protect the network level security with little regard for handset level security. The emergence of mobile torrents will likely change the mentality of wireless service providers throughout the world. Whereas today handsets are somewhat islands of isolated technology owing to the lack of a universally accepted operating system, as exists for the computer side, the dawn of mobile torrents will open cell phone interconnectivity like never before. Everson writes that as the founder of, he expects mobile torrents to become a major emerging technology for the future. “While mobile torrents may provide access to an abundance of mobile content, the malware and mobile threats will also be saturated in the mix.” Mobile torrents are thus one thing that could literally render millions of dollars invested in network level security completely useless. “The future of mobile security will be fought at the handset level; are you ready?” he asks.