Survey finds small biz unprepared for cyber attacks

Published 3 October 2011

A recent survey found that many small businesses are not prepared for cyber threats and potential data breaches


A recent survey found that many small businesses are not prepared for cyber threats and potential data breaches.

According to a study conducted by Newtek Business Services, only 27 percent of small business owners have had an outside party test their computer systems to determine that their cyber defenses are adequate.

In addition, of the 1,200 respondents, 39 percent said they did not have their data or business information backed up in more than one location.

The Small Business Authority Market Sentiment Survey focuses on issues of security and risk reduction for small businesses,” said Barry Sloane, the president and CEO of Newtek. “With recent breaches of security at Citi Bank, Sony and the Pentagon, small business owners should be concerned and take precaution to ensure their confidential business information is protected.”

Sloane said the survey demonstrates that few business owners have adequately secured their data by hiring a professional cyber security firm to perform a security assessment.

“Sixty-five percent of business owners surveyed seem unaffected by natural disasters, and 61 percent seem to think their data is backed up in multiple locations,” he said. “We believe that small to medium-sized business owners need to review all aspects of their data security and disaster recovery efforts.”