Responder Knowledge Database: on overlook asset

Published 25 April 2007

Hosting data about DHS grants and third-party equipment certification, RKD is an invaluable resource for those in the emergency response business

For those in the emergency response business who tire of waiting for their HSDW to learn about the latest in equipment and grants, we have a solution for you: the Responder Knowledge Base (RKB) sponsored by DHS and the National Memorial Institute for the Prevention of Terrorism. Organized into two sections — the Authorized Equipment List from DHS’s Office of Grants & Training and the Standardized Equipment List from the InterAgency Board for Equipment Standardization and Interoperability — the Web-based system is searchable by subject and product. Those interested in grants will find will find detailed application instruction; those looking for products will also find detailed information and will also be pleased to find information about third-party equipment certifications. For example, typing “hepa” into the keyword search returns sixty-five results, the first ten of which indicate such seals of approval. Then, when one clicks on “Disposable Particulate Respirator,” a picture of the item and specifics about the equipment and its manufacturer appear alongside links to the NIOSH certification page, which in turn links to relevent statutory standards.