Ship of fools // By Ben Frankel

Israel’s security than a thriving, self-confident Palestinian state, and it is thus in the security interests of Israel to do everything it can to facilitate the emergence of such a state. This Israeli contribution will include the removal of as many settlers as possible out of the West bank, the dismantling of as many settlements as possible, the opening of the borders around the West Bank to the free movement of people and goods, and more. This will be a win-win move.

4. What to do about the next flotilla

There will be other ships heading toward Gaza — indeed, an Irish ship is already on its way. As long as Hamas controls Gaza, Israel has every right to inspect what gets into Gaza. Hamas is not only committed to the destruction of Israel; it is the only openly and officially anti-Semitic movements in the world which is in power (Hezbollah is another one, but it controls only part of Lebanon). Hamas’s charter quotes approvingly the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, and charges the Jews — not the Israelis — for being responsible for the two world wars. The Israelis have every right to be suspicious of Hamas, and they have every right to deny the organization the military capabilities which would allow it to achieve its avowed goals.

Hamas and its supporters in Iran and al Qaeda are less interested in the welfare of the poor Palestinians in Gaza, and more interested in establishing the fact of a free and uninspected movement of cargo into Gaza. The first ships will carry only humanitarian aid. In a few months, after the routine has been established, the ships will carry missiles and other weapons from Iran.

Hamas is turning the Gaza Strip into a forward position for Iran, as Hezbollah has done with southern Lebanon. Israel, and the world, have no interest in allowing Hamas to achieve this goal. As would be the case with any other healthy country — and having an instinct for self-preservation is a sign of health — Israel cannot be denied the right to see to it that Hamas does not get a free ride.

Israel, though, should use its famous guile and operational creativity to prevent future ships from arriving in Gaza. Assaulting ships with commandos is not the way to do it.

In yesterday’s Wall Street Journal, Ronen Bergman recalls a couple of incidents, one from twenty years