BIO-Key selected for Oklahoma HMO access control
Company teams up with NextGenID to update identification systems at fifteen medical facilities; deal follows failure to aquire ComnetiX; a good year behind it, BIO-Key is poised for 2007
Wall, New Jersey-based BIO-Key may have lost out to L-1 Identity Solutions in the recent contest to buy Canada-based ComnetiX, but that does not mean that they company is throwing in the towel industry-wide. Far from it, in fact. The company announced last week that San Antonio, Texas-based NextGenID, would use BIO-Key’s biometrics algorithms when it updates the access control system at Oklahoma City’s Foundation Surgery Affiliates — an HMO with twenty-eight medical facilities nationwide. “We chose BIO-key as our algorithm partner to give us a more robust, scalable, and cost effective biometric-only solution,” added Danny Mills, Chief Executive Officer of NextGenID. “We are seeing more deployment of biometrics in the health care space as increased security stays of significant importance to those clients.”
The deal is just the latest success for BIO-Key. Over the past year we have reported on many others. These include: the deployment of a fingerprint identification system as part of South Africa’s Department of Home Affairs Refugee Program; a European patent for its identification indexing technology and a South African patent for its Web-Key Secure Biometric Authentication system; and a deal with Malvern, Pennsylvania-based identiMetrics to create a new biometric solution for keeping track of young children.
-read more in this company news release