EXTREMISMHow Ruhr University is Combatting Right-Wing Extremist Activities
“The constitutional principles of freedom of opinion, which we seek to protect and defend, don’t allow people to be sanctioned because of their presumed beliefs. This also applies to neo-Nazis. However, we do not stand idly by”: Ruhr University Bochum’s vice rector.
Vice Rector Isolde Karle explains in our interview how the university is standing up to right-wing extremist movements on campus.
One year ago, Bochum’s citizens took to the streets in large numbers to march against right-wing extremism and for freedom and democracy. Many members of Ruhr University Bochum joined the protest, too. A lot has happened since then: Right-wing extremist groups and parties have gained popularity and visibility nationwide, and the global world order is shifting ever more strongly towards authoritarian, anti-democratic regimes. What is the situation at universities in general and at Ruhr University Bochum in particular? Professor Isolde Karle, Vice Rector for Diversity, discusses in our interview how the university can stand up to right-wing extremist movements on campus.
Universities are generally regarded as strongholds of diversity and freedom. Is there any right-wing extremist activity on the campus of Ruhr University Bochum?
Just like many other universities, we’ve seen an increase in cases over the past year. This includes, for example, people putting up discriminatory, racist, anti-Semitic or anti-queer symbols or codes on stickers, posters and graffiti on campus, as well as attacking academics by email, letter, phone and social media; there’s even been a case where a professor’s office was vandalized.
What can the university do about it?
The moment we’re aware of any activity of this kind, our legal team will report it to the police, provided it is relevant under criminal law. We follow up every tip-off and work closely with the Bochum police. If the perpetrators are students or employees who have demonstrably committed politically motivated crimes on campus, they will be exmatriculated respectively suspended for particularly serious offenses. Depending on the case, we can also impose low-threshold sanctions ranging from a reprimand to exclusion from certain courses.
Which measures does Ruhr University Bochum take when it emerges that any of its members belong to a right-wing extremist organization?
The constitutional principles of freedom of opinion, which we seek to protect and defend, don’t allow people to be sanctioned because of their presumed beliefs. This also applies to neo-Nazis. However, we do not stand idly by. We report such cases to the police or state security services in order to ensure that dangerous individuals are better monitored and to aid criminal investigations. Such processes take place outside the public eye, not least for reasons of investigative practice but also because of data protection laws.
Criminal and easily recognizable cases aside – I believe that there’s yet another threat: the gradual shift to the right in our society, against which even universities are not immune. Right-wing extremist youth organizations could try to disguise themselves as moderate groups and make right-wing extremist ideas acceptable at universities. Their sympathizers push the boundaries of what can be said ever further to the right; they gain followers and provide the enemies of democracy with an ever-larger power base. We know how this works, and not just from historical experience. We see this gradual shift in Germany’s political landscape as well as in a number of neighboring countries. We are called upon to counter this as an institution, but also through the decisive action of each individual.
What should students do if they are confronted with right-wing extremist language from other students in a seminar, for example?
Ruhr University Bochum provides support and information on how each individual can defend themselves against discriminatory statements and right-wing extremist tendencies and what to do in specific cases (see info box). We’re also discussing which additional structural measures we can implement to better support teaching staff and students in dealing with right-wing extremist, anti-constitutional statements, for example through dedicated training courses and seminars with specific recommendations for action. So far, Ruhr University Bochum has stood firm against right-wing extremists. Together, we can ensure that we remain a robust institution committed to freedom and diversity. We are grateful for any tip-off about right-wing extremist activities and would like to encourage all members not to look the other way and to contact the Anti-Discrimination Officer if in doubt.
Hubert Hundt is communication officer at Ruhr-Universität Bochum. The article was originally posted to the website of Ruhr-Universität Bochum.