Customizable crime alert map helps Louisville residents stay safe
With the help of sophisticated online mapping tools, residents in Louisville, Kentucky can receive customized updates on crime that can be narrowed down to a particular beat
Washington to test police gun safety equipment
Lawmakers in Washington are currently debating legislation that would require police departments to thoroughly test the gun locks and safes they issue to law enforcement officers for use in their homes
Recommended emergency response technology from Seattle’s CTO
Following the rare four-day snowstorm that left Seattle, Washington blanketed in snow, Bill Schrier, the city’s chief technology officer, weighed in on the city’s response and offered tips on how to better implement technology in the future
Smiths Detection unveils new portable chemical detector
Earlier this month Smiths Detection unveiled its latest chemical detector, a portable device that combines high speed, high-resolution gas chromatography and a miniaturized toroidal ion trap mass spectrometer
55 dog teams to sniff out explosives at Olympics
At the upcoming London Olympic Games, more than 150 bomb-sniffing dogs will be on hand to detect any potential threats
NYPD developing concealed gun detecting tech
The New York Police Department (NYPD) is currently at work on a device that can detect if a person is carrying a concealed firearm from as far as eighty-two feet away
N.J. city augments surveillance cameras with spotlights
Over the next three months, the East Orange police department will connect high-powered spotlights to their surveillance camera system, so that when camera operators spot suspicious activity they can turn on the bright lights of justice and deter would be criminals
First responders could be zipping through skies within two years
Glenn Martin, the inventor of the Martin Jetpack, the world’s first commercially available jetpack, recently spoke with Homeland Security NewsWire’s executive editor Eugene K. Chow; in their interview Martin discusses the technical challenges of developing a viable jetpack, its uses in emergency response, and when we can expect to see civilians zipping through the skies
GPS trackers help catch copper thieves
With thieves continuing to steal copper wiring and wreaking havoc on critical infrastructure systems across the United States, some security officials have taken to installing GPS tracking devices in copper wire to put an end to the growing problem
Supreme Court rules against GPS tracking
On Monday, in a landmark case, the Supreme Court ruled that law enforcement agencies needed a judge’s approval before using GPS technology to track a suspect
High-tech developments help end high-speed pursuits safely
New technological developments are helping police officers end high-speed pursuits without jeopardizing the safety of themselves or the suspect
Reduced prices for license plates readers attracts more buyers
Now that the cost of Automatic License Plate Readers (ALPR) has dropped $17,000 from its initial price of $24,000, these devices are becoming increasingly common with more and more police departments across the country purchasing them
Also noted
Minn. police give body cams a tryout | Law enforcement technology aims to step up policing |New Jersey paves the way for stun gun deployment | Tomorrow’s law enforcement technology today | 18th century wisdom guides Supreme Court’s GPS ruling | Technology helps police become more efficient | Smart911 sees rapid growth in 2011
Taser International reports orders by law enforcement
Quibbles about the use of taser guns notwithstanding, figures released by Taser International show that police departments around the United States continue to favor the company’s stun guns, and also other law enforcement gear the company offers
Sponges stop troops from bleeding out
Researchers at MIT have created special sponges that can help stop bleeding almost instantaneously; the sponges have been given a coating that includes thrombin, a clotting agent found in blood