Court orders OTI to be reinstated to U.S. ePassport evaluation process
GPO excludes Israeli company OTI from ePassport evaluation program, but OTI wins legal challenge and is reinstated
Canada begins mandatory employee biometric ID information collection at airports
Toronto airport leads the way in requiring employees to carry biometric ID to work
INSIDE selects HID as exclusive partner
Two companies follow a four year successful collaboration with a strengthened relationship
Innovative biometric start-up IDesia raises $3 million from Partech International
Israeli company offers solution based on unique electro biological signature
A Kiwi company hopes to benefit from U.K. biometric ID scheme
New Zealand company has two advantages: Off-the-shelf device which offers multi-modal biometrics
Motorola installs biometric solution for Bosnian police
Biometrics come to Bosnia-Herzegovina
Biometric daily time records in the Philippines
Philippines city begins to use biometric daily time records