Fujitsu, Sequiam in biometric deal
Fujitsu Microelectronics America has forged an agreement with Orlando, Florida—based Sequiam and its wholly owned subsidiary Sequiam Biometrics to develop OEM applications integrating Fujitsu biometric sensors into existing Sequiam Biometrics hardware and software solutions. Fujitsu sensors, the MBF200 single touch sensor and MBF310 Sweep Sensor ICs, meet government resolution requirements of 500dpi 8bit grayscale. Fujitsu biometric sensors will also be integrated into Sequiam’s product line to provide biometric technology solutions. “This collaboration will create systems that will bring biometrics into areas that were previously out of reach,” said Kevin Henderson, Sequiam president. “In producing inexpensive but high quality powerful biometric applications, the consumer and small business space becomes an instantly achievable market.”
-read more about Sequiam solutions at company Web site; see more about Fujitsu biometric technology at company Web site